Hunter Show Prize List

You may enter the show by filling out an entry form at the show on the day of the show.  However, we encourage pre-entering online! Please enter until 6 am the day of the show.  If entering after 6 am Sunday, your entry will not be in the show office, and you will need to re-enter.  Skip the lines, sleep in a little later, pay with a credit card or check, and save money with a reduced office fee! Click here for the ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM. 

Click here for Sponsors

Please see the updated number of entries on Facebook, available a few days before show and updated until 6 am the morning of the show.



19255 Foggy Bottom Road

Bluemont, VA 20135

Sunday, April 6— Judges: Kimberly Gilbertson / DeDe Shumate

Sunday, May 4 — Judges: DeDe Shumate / Katie Petronelli   

Sunday, June 22— Judges: Katie Petronelli/ Davera Ackenbom

Sun., July 20 — Judges:  Laura Batts/ Christopher Webb

Sunday, Aug. 3 —Judges: Christopher Webb/ Robin Wood

Sunday, Sept. 14 — Judges: DeDe Shumate / Edee McGregor

Sun., Oct. 5 — Judges:  Davera Ackenbom/ Kimberly Gilbertson **   

   ** End-of-Year Awards    Costume class additional


*In case of inclement weather, the horse show may be cancelled or delayed.  A message will be posted on our website. You may call (703) 585-7586.

  • Pre-enter and pre-pay if possible.  We accept credit cards on our website, also PayPal and Venmo @RedGateFarmVA (Christine Vitkus x7586)
  • No dogs, please.


***  LARGE OUTDOOR RING ***Schooling 7-8 am***  Start time: 8 am

  1. LOW HUNTER B                 Over 8 Fences:  2′
  2. LOW HUNTER B                 Over 8 Fences:  2′
  3. LOW HUNTER B                 Walk/Trot/Canter
  4. LIMIT HUNTER B                 Over 8 Fences:  2′ or 2’3”
  5. LIMIT HUNTER B                 Over 8 Fences:  2′ or 2’3”
  6. LIMIT HUNTER B                                 Walk/Trot/Canter
  7. HORSE PLEASURE V/TIP/B          Walk/Trot
  8. HORSE PLEASURE V/ TIP/B         Go As You Please (Trot or Canter)
  9. HORSE PLEASURE V/TIP/B          Walk/Trot/Canter
  12. SCHOOLING HUNTER B Over 8 Fences:  2’6
  13. SCHOOLING HUNTER B Over 8 Fences:  2’6
  14. SCHOOLING HUNTER B Walk/Trot/Canter
  15. TB HUNTER V/TIP/B Over 8 Fences:  2’6
  16. TB HUNTER V/TIP/B Over 8 Fences:  2’6
  17. TB HUNTER V/TIP/B Walk/Trot/Canter
  18. GREEN HUNTER HORS E V/B Over Fences:  2′ 6″
  19. GREEN HUNTER HORSE V/B Over Fences:  2′ 6″
  20. GREEN HUNTER HORSE V/B Walk/Trot/Canter
  21. CHILD / AA HUNTER V/B Over Fences:  2′ 6″ or 3’
  22. CHILD / AA HUNTER V/B Over Fences:  2′ 6″ or 3’
  23. CHILD/ AA HUNTER V/B                Walk/Trot/Canter
  24. CHILD / AA EQ. V/B                  Over Fences:  2’6” or 3’
  25. HUNTER DERBY          Over fences  2’6″ or 3′
  26. WORKING HUNTER V/B Over Fences:  3’’
  27. WORKING HUNTER V/B Over Fences:  3’
  28. WORKING HUNTER V/B Walk/Trot/Canter
  29. VHSA EMO CHILDREN’S MEDAL                 Over Fences: 3’

***  20 minute schooling break, not before  1 pm

  1. PONY PLEASURE V/B                 Walk/Trot
  2. PONY PLEASURE V/B                 Go As You Please
  3. PONY PLEASURE V/B                 Walk/Trot/Canter
  5. GREEN PONY HUNTER V/ B Over Fences Small 2′, Med. 2’3″, Large 2’6″
  6. GREEN PONY HUNTER V/B Over Fences Small 2′, Med. 2’3″, Large 2’6″
  7. GREEN PONY HUNTER V/B Under Saddle
  8. PONY HUNTER V/B                 Over Fences Small 2′, Med. 2’3″, Large 2’6″
  9. PONY HUNTER V/B                 Over Fences Small 2′, Med. 2’3″, Large 2’6″”
  10. PONY HUNTER V/ B                 Under Saddle
  11. PONY EQUITATION V/B                      Small 2′, Med. 2’3″ , Large 2’6″

*** SMALL OUTDOOR RING ***Schooling 7-9 am*** Start time 9 am

  1. LEADLINE                                        100% Rider Equitation
  2. LEADLINE B                                     50% pony suitability / 50% equitation
  3. LEADLINE                                        100% pony suitability and manners
  4. PATTERN RIDE                                 Walk/halt thru cone weave and pole maze
  5. PRE-SHORT STIRRUP EQ B        Walk
  7. PRE-SHORT STIRRUP EQ B         Walk/Trot/Sit-Trot/Jump Position at Walk

*** INDOOR RING ***Schooling 7-10 am*** Start time 10 am, typically finishes near 1pm

  1. NOVICE EQ.                           Walk/Trot
  2. NOVICE EQ.             Individual canter
  3. NOVICE EQ.                             Over 2 fences 12”  (Trot or Canter)
  4. SHORT STIRRUP EQ. B                 Over 4 Fences: 18″ (Trot or Canter)
  5. SHORT STIRRUP EQ B                 Over 4 Fences: 18″ (Trot or Canter)
  6. SHORT STIRRUP EQ. B                 Walk/Trot
  7. SHORT STIRRUP HUNTER V/B   Over 4 Fences: 18″
  8. SHORT STIRRUP HUNTER V/B   Over 4 Fences: 18″
  9. SHORT STIRRUP HUNTER VB   Under Saddle (Walk/Trot/Canter)
  10. LONG STIRRUP HUNTER B   Over 4 Fences: 18″
  11. LONG STIRRUP HUNTER B   Over 4 Fences: 18″
  12. LONG STIRRUP HUNTER B  Under Saddle (Walk/Trot/Canter)
  13. STUDENT EQUITATION B                 Over 4 Fences: 2’ (Trot or Canter)
  14. STUDENT EQUITATION B                 Over 4 Fences: 2’ (Trot or Canter)
  15. STUDENT EQUITATION B                 Under Saddle (Walk/Trot/Canter)


LEADLINE B: For riders 7 years of age and under. Rider not eligible for any other classes other than Pattern Ride. Rider to be led at the walk. Pony to be on lead at all times.

RGF PATTERN RIDE: Open to riders 12 years and under.  Riders may enter other walk/trot classes only.  Leadline may be used.

PRE-SHORT STIRRUP EQUITATION B: Open to riders 10 years and under.  Riders may be asked to walk, trot, and perform simple Equitation tasks.  Riders not allowed to cross enter into classes where they would be asked to canter or jump.

RGF NOVICE EQUITATION: Open to riders 12 years and under.  Entries may not cross enter into classes where they would jump over 18”.  Jumping rounds may be trotted or cantered.  Must not have ever competed over fences higher than 2’.

SHORT STIRRUP EQUITATION B: Open to riders 12 years and under.  Jumps may not exceed 18”.   Riders not allowed to cross enter into classes where they would jump higher than 18”.   Courses may be trotted.

SHORT STIRRUP HUNTER V: Open to riders 12 years and under.  Entries may not cross enter into classes where they would jump over 2′.

LONG STIRRUP EQUITATION B: Open to riders 13 years and older. Jumps may not exceed 18”. Riders not allowed to cross enter into classes where they would jump higher than 18”. Courses may be trotted. -Requires at least two entries for points to count. -May be combined with Short Stirrup Equitation and/or Student Equitation.

STUDENT EQUITATION B: For riders in 1st or 2nd year of showing at 2 feet.  Riders may trot or canter over  fences, and simple changes are permitted.

PONY PLEASURE V/B:  Open to all ponies 14.2H and under ridden by juniors.

PONY EQUITATION V/B:  Open to all ponies ridden by juniors. Judged on hands, seat, guidance and control of mount. To be ridden over a separate course of at least 8 fences. Fences Small 2′, Med. 2’3″, Large 2’6″

GREEN PONY HUNTER V/B: Open to ponies (measuring 14.2 hands and under) in their first year of showing over fences as of December 1 of the current show year, including Equitation and Pleasure classes over fences at 2’ for Smalls,  2’3” for Mediums, and 2’6” for Larges ridden by Juniors.  Jump heights to be 2’ for Smalls, 2’ 3” for Mediums, and  2’6” for Large Ponies.

PONY HUNTER V/B: Open to ponies ridden by juniors. Fences Small 2′, Med. 2’3″, Large 2’6″

OPEN (also TIP) LOW HUNTER TIP/B:  Open to all horses or ponies.  No restrictions on riders.  TIP TB Must have TIP number to earn rewards in TIP Program.   Fences 2’

OPEN (also TIP) HORSE PLEASURE V/ TIP/B:  Open to all horses ridden by adults or juniors.  Must have TIP number to earn rewards in TIP Program

JUNIOR/ ADULT AM. EQUITATION ON THE FLAT V/B:  To be shown at a walk, trot and canter both ways of the ring and judged on position, control and guidance. Tests 1-19 may be used, excluding those requiring work over fences

LIMIT RIDER HUNTER B: Open to horses and ponies ridden by Juniors and AAs who are not entered in any classes jumping 2’6” or higher. These riders are not eligible for AA Eq, Pony Eq, or Jr/Children’s Eq. Ponies must be ridden by Juniors.  Horses and ponies may cross enter into other divisions. Can be combined with Low Hunter. Jump height 2′ or 2’3”.

SCHOOLING HUNTER B:  Open to horses and ponies.  No restrictions on riders.  Adults may ride ponies not entered in a Pony division.  If less than 3 entries, may be combined with Working or Low Hunter, but not both. Jump height 2’6”.

CHILDREN’S / ADULT AMATEUR HUNTER EQUITATION V/B: One class for Junior/Adult Amateur riders. Judged on hands, seat, guidance and control of mount. To be ridden over a separate course of at least 8 fences. The judge may select at least one-fourth of the class to show at a walk, trot, and canter, and to perform additional tests at the judge’s discretion. Fences 2’6”

CHILDREN’S / ADULT-AMATEUR HUNTER V/ B: Open to children and adults who qualify as amateurs on horses. Jump height 2’6” or 3’.

VHSA /TIP TB V/TIP/B:  Open to Thoroughbred horses only.  Must have TIP number to earn TIP rewards. Fences 2’6”.

GREEN HUNTER HORSE V/ B: Open to horses in their first or second year of showing over fences at 2’6” or higher as of December 1 of the current show year, including Pleasure and Equitation classes over fences.  Jump height 2’6”

round. Open to horses and ponies. Fences 2’ or 2’6”.  Final available to rider/horse combos who have entered 2 prior derbies.

WORKING HUNTER V/B: Open to all horses, and ponies not entered in a Pony Division.  3’.

VHSA CHILDREN’S MEDAL V: Open to Junior members of who have not jumped higher than three feet at a show where entered in the Children’s Hunter Division, except in Equitation. Open to horses only. To be shown over a course of not less than six (6) obstacles at three (3) feet, which must include one combination and two changes of direction. All VHSA Medal Class courses must have at least two of the following inside the course: a roll back turn, a broken or bending line, an end jump, a narrow jump, or a long ride to a single jump. The judge must call back at least four exhibitors for further testing. Fall of horse or rider or three disobediences shall eliminate a contender. Judges may require riders to change horses, mount, dismount or exhibit any other individual requirements of equitation they may deem necessary. There must be at least three (3) exhibitors to fill the class and three (3) exhibitors must complete the course in order for that particular class to count.

VHSA ADULT AMATEUR MEDAL V :Open to horses only. Contestant must be a member of VHSA and hold a current amateur card issued by USEF. For class specifics, see CHILDREN’S MEDAL above.  May not be combined with Children’s Medal.

HUNTER DERBY: Two rounds over fences with the top 10 being called back for a second handy hunter round. Open to horses and ponies. Fences 2’ or 2’6”.  Final available to rider/horse combos who have entered 2 prior derbies.

CALIFORNIA WARMUP: One warmup trip per horse/rider combination.  Will run simultaneously with classes over fences.  Fence height determined by class offerings.  This class not judged.

 V= VHSA (Virginia Horse Show Association),  TIP= (Thoroughbred Incentive Program),  B = BHSA (Battlefield Horse Show Association