Cross County at Red Gate Farm – Tuesday, Oct. 31, 12-1:30 or 1:30 – 3 pm


  • Managing your horse in the open
  • Leaving the group
  • Position for XC riding
  • Safety
  • Jumping solid obstacles
  • Logs, coops, benches, planters, tables
  • Ride to your level (must be intermediate:  able to jump an 18″ course and canter in a group)
  • First session for intro level, Second session for experienced level
  • $100 per person

Sleepover – Sat. June 9, 6pm – Sun. June 10, 10 am

Everyone’s favorite DSC_2824event of the year!  Riding lesson in the evening, more riding in the morning. We will either sleep in tents or in the barn.  Dinner, and pancake breakfast with your friends.  Always a very memorable event ; register early!  $150

Games Camp – Saturday Dec. 27th, 8:30-12 noon

Come and join us for a fun day of pony games.  For experienced riders only, ages 10 and up.  $85 per day.  Includes horse care for 1st hour.

Red Gate Farm workday – Sat. April 8th 2-4 pm

Come and join us for a “Spring Cleaning”, including jump painting, a thorough barn cleaning, and whatever else we can think of !  Our horses deserve the best!  Red Gate Farm provides pizza, soda, and snacks.  Let’s have some fun!barn front

Safety Clinic – Sat. March 25 , 2-3:30 pm

Unmounted.  We will review the safety aspects of catching a horse, grooming, mounting, dismounting, riding on trails/road, and safety equipment.  Last 30 minutes will be checking helmet fit, availability to purchase helmets (including ski helmets/goggles) and raffle drawing for a FREE helmet.   Only $25   helmet   Click here for link to Helmets!

Charlie “Willy Wonka”


Beginner – Intermediate Level

20+ Year old Paint Pony, 14.0 H

Charlie is a cute paint pony that has a fast trot, but a lovely canter.  Quick, but fun for all riders at Red Gate Farm. He is available for lessons and lease.

Equitation Clinic Sun.,May 21am ( Kristen Campbell)

This clinic is being held with a VHSA judge, Kristen Campbell.  It will feature an overview of a rider’s equitation from the judge’s point of view.  The clinic will run like a show with feedback instead of ribbons.  Plus opportunities for improving based on your feedback.  Levels correspond to our equitation teams, but others not on the team may join.
Group, hour-long lessons starting with 8-9 am NCEL (2′-2’6″ jumping), 9-10 am NCSSEL (18″ jumping), 10-11 am JEL (cantering and jumping crossrails up to 18″), 11am – noon adults (cantering and jumping).  $90 includes horse usage.

show photo

This clinic followed by student show.  Attendees may show later in the day also. (fee applies)