Student Shows


Red Gate Farm Student Horse Show – Rain or shine; Professional Judge. Professional Photographer.    

SIGN UP EARLY FOR BEST HORSE SELECTION.  ENTER A LEVEL THAT IS “EASY” FOR YOU, not what you are actively learning now.  The instructors have the right to change levels or horses as they see fit.

Click here to enter the Student Show

2025  STUDENT SHOW DATES:   Sundays:  Spring: Sun. March 30 (Judge:  Jane Nordstrom), Fall: Sun. Sept. 21 (Judge:  TBD)

Our student shows are a huge success!    Thanks to our competitors, parents, instructors and staff for making this day so special!  

Red Gate Farm Student Horse Show – Sun. March 30



Please arrive ½ hour early to pick up your number and get ready for your class. Classes will run on schedule. ADULTS can show in adult show at end (clinic style, and FUN).

Cost:  $50 per class or $150 per division ( 3 classes in same section).  Each rider may take up to 3 classes. We encourage even the beginners to try all 3 classes. This includes entry fees AND horse usage. RGF staff will be here to help all riders.  Please pre-register and pre-pay.  $50 cancellation fee FOR ANY REASON once you have signed up.

Dress:  This is designed to be a fun show, and therefore, will not require expensive show clothes.  Acceptable attire includes riding pants or plain leggings, boots, a solid polo or other nice shirt, and long hair braided or tied back.

Classes:  Riders will show the same horse in all classes. Riders are judged on their position, ability to control their horse, and horsemanship. Ribbons will be awarded to each participant in each class.



Beginner 1 Division:  10:00   ———leadlines permitted

                                                    1) Walk/Halt

                                                    2) Walk/Short Trot/Jumping position at walk

                                                   3) Pattern Ride 

Beginner 2 Division:   10:30 am     4) Walk/Halt/Posting Trot

                                                    5) Walk/Halt/Trot/Jumping position over trotting poles

                                                    6) Pattern Ride 

Beginner 3 Division: 11:153           10) Walk/Halt/ Posting Trot

                                                   11) Walk/Trot/sitting trot/jumping position at trot

                                                  12) Jumping Course 2 crossrails

Beginner 4 Division: 3 12:00           10) Walk/Halt/ Posting Trot/Sitting Trot/Jumping position at trot

                                                   11) Walk/Trot/ individual Canter

                                                  12) Jumping Course 4 crossrails 

Intermediate 1 Division: 12:45 pm    13) Walk/Halt/ Posting Trot/Sitting Trot/Jumping position at trot

                                                   14) Walk/Trot/Canter

                                                  15) Jumping Course with 4 fences 18” 

Intermediate 2 Division: 1:30 pm   16) Walk/Halt/Trot/Canter

                                                   17) Jumping Course  A with 4 fences at 2’

                                                  18) Jumping Course  B with 6 fences at 2’

Intermediate 3 Division: 2:15 pm   19) Walk/Halt/Trot/Canter        

                                                   20) Jumping Course  A with 6 fences at 2’3” – Hunter course

                                                  21) Jumping Course  B with 6 fences at 2’3” – Jumper course

Adult  Division: 3 pm                 22) Walk/Halt/Trot/Canter        

                                                   23) Jumping Course  A with 4 fences (choose height)

                                                  24) Jumping Course  B with 6 fences (choose height)

  • Note for Pattern Ride: Riders will complete a memorized pattern ride. They will steer their horse through a pole maze, around obstacles, over poles, etc. at a walk only.
  • Note for Jumping: Riders may trot or canter in control. If a jump is missed/refused, please circle back and attempt the jump again before continuing the course.



